Graphic Design Illustration Life of a Designer Surface Pattern Design

Advice for Creatives from Creatives

We all need a little help sometimes We all go through ups and downs. So I put together some quotes that can really help you. Are you having a bit of a creative block? Do you need some inspiration? Or motivation? If so, then keep scrolling down. This post is here to help you with […]

Illustration Life of a Designer Surface Pattern Design

My Best DesignerMim Products to Buy Right Now

My Favourite DesignerMim Products you can Buy Online. Now. I’ve put together my top 10 products for sale on Redbubble right now. For all the South Africans reading this, these items are for sale right now. Not now-now, or just now. However, for everybody else, these are my current favourite DesignerMim products you can buy […]

Life of a Designer

How to get paid by Redbubble without PayPal

Setting up your Redbubble account without Paypal doesn’t have to give you a headache! So, you’ve got your designs up and they look awesome on your chosen products! But to get your Redbubble store open to the public, you have to select a payment method. Redbubble will ask for your PayPal or overseas bank account […]

Life of a Designer

Jokes for Creative Designers that are Actually Funny

Let’s have some fun and get our geek on! I’ve compiled a fun post for all the visual creatives out there who read this blog. Everyone knows laughter us super important for our overall wellbeing. I hope this post brings a little silliness to your day! Yes, these are jokes aimed at creative designers, but […]

Graphic Design Illustration Life of a Designer Surface Pattern Design

How to rediscover an old hobby

Oh hello, and thank you for popping in! This week I’ll be discussing what I’m doing to keep things fresh. I’ve been wondering how to rediscover an old hobby that I loved so much: creating by hand. Let’s see how that went. As I’ve said before, the majority of my design work is created digitally. […]

Life of a Designer Surface Pattern Design

How to design Surface Patterns in Affinity Designer

Have you downloaded the Affinity Designer app but are struggling with the learning curve? If so, I’ll take you though some clear steps to get you designing patterns in no time! First off, let’s talk patterns. And specifically, how to design surface patterns in Affinity Designer. A new design app on the block When I […]

Graphic Design Illustration Life of a Designer Surface Pattern Design

Staying inspired and challenged as a freelance designer

Hola mi amigas y mi amigos! Hello and thanks for stopping by! I cannot believe another week has passed since I last wrote here. Trying to get my thoughts in order to write this week, I am at a loss as to where the time went! It’s pretty interesting having a set deadline to reflect […]

Illustration Life of a Designer Surface Pattern Design

A week in the life of a Freelance Designer

Getting 2022 off to a good start! Hello! I’ve been wanting to start my blog for a while, and seeing it’s still January, and I had get this goal to get this off the ground before Feb, here goes nothing! So here is my first post: a week in the life of a Freelance Designer. […]